1 Peter 2:11-12, Matthew 5:1-16 and 43-48
Christians were once often asked to talk about this but this is not common today. Pilgrim's Progress used to sell well. The Pilgrim's fathers left England in 1620 for America. We do not identify with them much today. They left because they would not support the state church, they became exiles in the Low Countries then America, they were absent from their homeland. Peter's subject is the pilgrim life, the fact that we are just passing through this life, journeying towards Heaven. He wants his readers to see that we're exiles and strangers on this earth. We are focused on God Himself and on being in Heaven with Him is our goal. Christianity is often geared up for here and now, to solve problems, Heaven is seen as a bonus. Many of us want to cling to this life, we often do not see ourselves as exiles but 1 Corinthians 15:19 we should be pitied. We enjoy the blessings and gifts of this life but we need to keep in mind the eternal perspective, we live for Heaven, the journey's end, where our heart is. He writes to people who are suffering for their faith, he wants them to focus on blessings that are yet to come. When it is easy to be a Christian, standards slip. We must have a right mind set.
a) We are aliens, a person living in a foreign land alongside of people who are not of his kind - Hebrews 11:9. Aliens are not citizens of the land, we live beside them but not like them. A lot of religions have holy places, Muslims have Mecca, Catholics have Lourdes. People do not stay there, they have a different mentality . For a holiday we unpack and stay for a period. Christians do not have a permanent residence here. We are passing through. Hebrews 11:9 - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived in tents. Christians are not citizens of the present age. Philippians 3:20, we are citizens of Heaven. Believers are seen as exiles on Earth. Unbelievers are Earth livers. Time flies, nothing is permanent here. 1 John 2:15, the world is passing away, Heaven remains forever. Pilgrims do get attached too much to this world. It is hard to keep this focus. Other generations found it easier, shorter life spans for children and adults died of chronic illnesses - TB etc. Today we have a longer life expectancy. We expect to live 75 years plus. We are more bound to this life. In the face pf shorter lives we do not become so attached. Most people think we are in the land of the living heading for the land of the dead, it is the opposite. We do not know what tomorrow will bring.
b) We are strangers as citizens of Heaven, we may adopt some of the ways of Earth, if they are morally neutral, in order order not to offend the natives. But we live according to different standards than they do, namely those of God's word. We are careful not to adopt their standards. We take our standard from the Word of God, we mustn't let our standards slip, our bearings come from the Bible. What honours the Lord in everything - TV, food etc. We are often out of sync with the ways of the world. Lot lived in a dreadful place - Sodom, he did not feel at home there, he was distressed by the standards of unrighteous men.
Becoming a Christian does not eradicate the inner, emotional tug toward self-will and sin. To wage a war is not a battle but a campaign, a war. People in the world live to self, we live to God. Walking with God does not eliminate the need to be watchful. Noah became drunk as an old man and became exposed. David was in his 50s when he fell over Bathsheba. Hezekiah fell to sin as an old man. We won't win if we just rest in Him without determined resolve, or if we think sin is just a psychological problem, addiction is being enslaved to sin.
We are to conduct ourselves in a lifestyle that is attractive. Live an exemplary life. So live so that unbelievers are impressed. Even a godless culture should see something to be impressed with in us. Unbelievers are watching. How many of us became believers because of the influence of someone else.? Pagans observe our good deeds. We must do good deeds, clothe the naked, take in the homeless etc, and they watch us closely. They watch to see how we deal with problems, raise our children and sort out things, what makes us different? The World read us more than they read the Bible. A saint makes it easy for unbelievers to believe. Our lives should speak to unbelievers. A lot of people come to faith through the witness of a believer. God uses lives that speak to win others.
We are accused unfairly - out of jealousy, guilt or insecurity, they may slander us. Early Christians were accused of leading slaves into rebellion, cannibalism (breaking bread), immorality (for calling fellow believers brothers and sisters), atheists (for not worshipping deities), they were bad for business, disloyal to Caesar etc. The same treatment is meted out to people today. We need to maintain our lifestyle in the face of accusations. Accusations are often more subtle today. We need to maintain our lifestyle in the face of accusations or in terrible isolation, we are planted in enemy territory, in strategic positions. It matters what we do.
What is the day of visitation? For judgement and blessing when God visited them, it brought liberation for the Hebrews and judgement for the Egyptians. The day when Jesus returns to the earth will bring good news for believers and bad news for everyone else. For us, the point is that as pilgrims, we keep that great day for visitation in view. Live as pilgrims, live as if the day of visitation is coming. Some will be saved through the witness of believers. Others will be condemned. All will stand in condemnation or commendation. We want to hear 'well done good and faithful servant.' Enjoyment of God is the only thing we should aim for. God is calling us to a radical way of life. Remember who you are - strangers and exiles, living holy lives of visible moral excellence. Don't be surprised by spiritual hostility. Do good anyway. Leave the results in God's hands. Be ready to meet Jesus when he returns.
Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.
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