Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

A gifted church

1 Peter 4

A blessed church has a global vision. We need to look also at ourselves. In verse l0 we are told ‘each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. This verse is packed with challenge and clear instruction. Our church preaches the doctrines of grace, we are a Grace Church. This affects what is preached and what happens between members. The text is clear, ‘faithfully administering God’s grace’ – the grace comes through us to others. Each of us has a gift from God, we must use to see others blessed, see 1
Corinthians 12:4 to 11, there is a diversity of gifting, the gifts are a manifestation of the work of the Spirit, each is as the Spirit determines. Every member has a gift, some have more than one. We need to all use them. The manifold grace of God is revealed by this. Romans 12:6 to 8 refers to a diversity of gifting again. It reveals a spirit filled church when the gifts are being used.
We do not all have the same gifts and all are equally valuable. The manifold gift of God is a manifestation of the Spirit. All gifts are important. We must not down play them. All parts of the body are important – see 1 Corinthians 12:12 – 31. If one suffers, all suffers. If one part of the body is injured it diminishes the whole body. Some are multi-gifted, but we must use ours for the church to be whole. The church is likened to a building or plant. Ephesians 4:6 likens the church to a body and how it is supported by Christ growing in love.
Gifts are for use and not self importance – verse 10. It is not self importance but usefulness. We must steward the gifts God has given us. We are not expected to exercise another person’s gifts, we can’t do what we are not gifted to do. Pastors, elders and deacons have a divine blue print and we can be guilty of putting square pegs in round holes, they fail because they are not suited to the work.
Are our gifts recognised by ourselves and others? What can I do to help build the church? Hospitality can be offered and we can speak when we have the opportunity. It is practical, what CAN I do? And communicating – what can I say? How can I help to build up the church of God? We can talk a lot but not at the deep level that is needed to help others. There is a therapy in this to help others.
Are the gifts recognised by other people? To avoid either square pegs in round holes or people’s gifts not being recognised we can follow the volunteer principle, who will volunteer to help meet need or will we observe the church and ask people to step up and help. Will you think you will help? There are 3 argument for a truly grace church:
a) Motivational – verse 7, the end of all things is near, we live on the edge of eternity, time is short. We won’t have our responsibilities for very long, destruction of Jerusalem or the second coming or a short life span. We have a short time, do we live like that? If we want someone else to do it. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. The whole of life is lived with this awareness, we have today, tomorrow is unknown, we must use our opportunities. When we stand before God in the last day we may have one regret, we didn’t do all we could.
b) Relational. It is not easy to serve others, however sweet life can be we have the little foxes who can spoil things. Above all, love each other deeply in deed, word and truth. We discover faults in ourselves and others, love covers over a multitude of sins. We must not have an unforgiving spirit or we will do more harm than good. The church is a community of love. We should trust and love each other. Do we do this? By love, people know we are his disciples. 1 Corinthians 13, if we do not have love it is worth nothing.
c) Elevational – see verse 11. Everything is done to the praise and glory of God. We should tell each other the very words of God. It puts duties to the very highest levels. We do things with the strength of God. What we do is not ‘to the best of my ability’ but with God’s strength. We need to make ourselves available to God. We need to seek to do more in the church and seek to see all we can do in the church – in the strength God provides. This cancels all excuses. ‘So that in all things God will be praised.’ Why do we exist, what is our primary duty? So that God’s name can be glorified. It is not duty but privilege. God is not praised through neglect or laziness. Why are we Christians? Because Christ died for us. Everything should focus on him. We act in His strength, His gifting, His love. So he gets the glory. We must find our gift and act in his strength and God will bless.

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