Genesis 4:1 - 7
This is a fundamental and critical part of the Bible. This is the first family and first public act of worship. The story of Cain and Abel is well known to many in the World who lack faith. Cain was the first born in the world, the first farmer, the first family member and the first murderer.
1. THE FIRST FAMILY - verse 1 - 2
All human life comes from God, this was not a biological process, it is why we oppose abortion and tinkering with life. God is the author of life. Eve knew God gave life, she said 'with the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man' - maybe she hoped he would bruise the serpent's head, bring new hope. Adam and Eve believed God's word in this passage. Maybe he would be the saviour. She had her second born - Abel. This means breath or passing, was she being prophetic of how brief life is or how brief his life. We do not know how long he lived. The first 2 children were a wonderful event, they had never seen the marvel of a baby. They looked forward to a happy future, growing up, learning life skills, have a good calling, one was a shepherd, the other a tiller of the soil, a gardener who provided fruit and vegetables. Adam and Eve had the joy of seeing their boys in a settled life in professions. Here was a hopeful beginning. Cain and Abel shared the same parents, the same spiritual background, yet one followed God, the other followed his own desires. One broke their hearts, the other left only happy memories behind him. Both were equally loved. disciplined and cared for. One was the innocent victim, one left a trail of blood. We can be full of hopes and joys but our children can leave us heartache. Adam and Eve's circumstances still had sin in it. The only one who can guarantee a happy future is the living God. Parents often want to do the best for their children. The best they can do is to teach them the ways of God and to show them true worship. It is good to see happy families but we need to lead them to the Lord by our lives.
People have always had an innate understanding that we should worship God. Both boys knew they should do this. The verses suggest there was a particular time for worship, maybe their own families told them. Cain brought produce, Abel brought portions of the first born. The brothers worshipped God each in their own way. People think they can worship in their own way. The only problem was Abel's was accepted by God, Cain's was rejected. Was God being arbitary or unfair?
a) There is one passage that makes clear what was wrong - Hebrews 11:4. Where there is no faith, even the finest offering cannot make up the difference, Proverbs 15:8. Abel came with real faith , Cain only went through the motions. God looks at the heart. Are we here out of duty? As we always do? Or do we come to truly worship God and learn of him. When they came to worship Abel's heart was in tune with God's, Cain's was not. God wants all of us, not just on Sundays. We cannot buy God off by our gifts.
b) There may have been a difference in the quality of it. Abel offered his best, we do not read this of Cain. When we come to God we must bring our best to him, our best attention, our best worship. We must give our best to the Lord. David said 'Nor will I offer burnt offering to the Lord my God with that which cost me nothing' - 2 Samuel 24:24. We want to put our best into everything we do. We don't just give our cast offs to the Lord.
c) There was a difference in the kind of offering made. One brought something from blood shed, the other from the garden. Later God said Cain knew what was acceptable. If Cain did not have an animal he could have bartered for one. The animal was once again a substitute. Hebrews 10:19 - we can enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus. We need a mediator. There are only two ways you can approach God. You can come offering what you have done or come pleading what another has done in your place. Cain decided 'I'll do it my way'. He had to come God's way knowing he was sinful.
d) There is an important lesson to all who worship God. God has prescribed the way we are to worship. We do not know how God showed his approval. There was a stony silence regarding Cain's offering. There are many people around the world who worship God in their own way. God rejects their worship if they come in their own way. We cannot go to a sports match in our own way, we have to have a valid ticket. In the same way we must come to God in the way he has prescribed.
Cain was very angry and his face was full of anger, it was downcast. People get very angry when they hear that Jesus is the only way. Cain got it wrong and knew it but he did not repent or reform. An angry face is a horrible thing, a face full of resentment is ugly. Cain could have accepted that he was wrong and changed. We do not want to be around people who are angry or resentful. Cain's face showed what was within. God said 'why are you like this? Put it right.' When we do wrong, change. If we do well, we will feel well. If we do wrong, we will feel wrong.
God came to Cain with a warning, why do we have these feelings? Sinful attitudes are like a wild animal. If you struggles, God Will help you. God's word says petting bad feelings are not the way, they are small, when they are mature they are deadly. We need to deal with sin when it is the mental stage, it will, as in Cain's case, consume is and we will end up committing great sin like Saul did. Sin is like a maggot in an apple, if we harbour it in our hearts it will grow until it emerges out of our hearts, like a fly out of an apple. The sin we nurse like a pet will write our doom and be our ruin. We see much here culminating in God's call to change, he gives is the means to change in the Lord Jesus.
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