Titus Chapter l
Can we give thanks for our local church? Do we care for it, are we involved in it or are we just spectators? Titus has 3 chapters. The first chapter concerned with congregational life, it leads to the second on the family and the third which is about social or public life. If we get the church life right everything will get right. A healthy local church life is vital..
Titus is first mentioned in Galatians 2 in the gentile controversy. He was loved by Paul as a fellow believer.
Paul gave him a 3 fold task:
l. To appoint reliable elders
2. To overcome oppositions
3. Teach sound doctrine.
In verse 5 he was told to straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders. What would Paul say we need straightening out? In verse lO we are told this is not easy. Paul got verbally and physically abused by the rebellious people. These people need silencing not tolerating. They need throwing out to stop people being ruined.
l. THE CHARACTER OF AN ELDER OR PASTOR. The word elder comes from the word for old age. They need experience but age is not a problem. Young and old should be equally valued.
l Timothy 3:6 - an overseer should not be a recent convert, it is the stage they are at that matters, they need experience. Lots of people are under pressure but a pastor has spiritual responsibilities. He is not the boss of the Church, Christ is, but the pastor is responsible for their oversight. The pastor must seek help from God - Hebrews l3:7. They must give account to God. Today authority figures are seen as figures to be shot at, ministers need to realise they can be lied to, rejected, derided, deceived, physically and verbally assaulted and much more. It is the greatest task in the church despite all of this. To know someone is saved causes the greatest euphoria, it is wonderful. To have people saved under your ministry mean we meet them in eternity. The elder must give account to God. What are their motives? Do we seek God's calling? Why do we seek to do it, for good motives or bad?
What if they sin or fail? It can affect the church and drag people down. Verse 6, the elder must be blameless (not sinless or there could never be any pastors or preachers), it means free of blame or blemishes. It is a great responsibility. Paul alludes to the present character - I Corinthians 6. What he is now not what he was. The glory of the Gospel is that sinners can be washed from their sin. Whatever lapses he had, the pastor must not have two wives. He must not put one of them away, he simply cannot be an elder.
A pastor should seek to be fruitful in his ministry. Titus is told to straighten out the church. The pastor's children should believe and not be open to the charge of being wild or disobedient. They do not have to be born again but be faithful - l Timothy 3:5 - the family should be well managed, the children should be managed in spite of their outward behaviour. Verse 7 - he is entrusted with God's word, he is trusted so he should be blameless, he should not be:
a) BOSSY or overbearing.
b) BAD TEMPERED. Proverbs l5:l8 - he must be patient and have plenty of it. A patient pastor waits long term.
c) NOT A BINGE DRINKER - or intoxicated.
d) NOT A BRUISER or violent - physically or verbally.
e) NOT TO BE BENT - after money or dishonest gain. They must not preach for dishonest gain.
Rather he should be:
a) HOSPITABLE - it costs time and money. It should not be abused by people. People can be greedy and hospitality can be abused by lots of people. Hospitality is being devoted to kindness.
b) SEEK THE GOOD - verse 8, personally and corporately. Not a lover of sin.
e) ENCOURAGE OTHERS - preach sound teaching.
There are many rebellious people, including many religious people - see verse l0. They ruin whole households by advocating works of one sort or another without faith. It can be 'positive thinking' - hedonism, not the salvation of souls. Is the pastor motivated by saving people from hell? Jesus' message was the next life not this world. Titus had to rebuke the Cretans - verse l2 to l4, rebuking is very hard. It must be based on the word of God and applied by the Spirit. We must ask 'why is he saying this?' It is for my good in this life and my soul in eternity. The sheep need to be protected from the enemies of the church - verses l5 and l6. There are many of them. The pastor must hold firm to the word of truth.
No one is interested in our eternal destiny except the true church of God. The pastor needs to care for people's eternal souls. Pastors have this great work. It is what the office of pastor or elder is all about, they are ordained for our eternal well being. They oversee God's work, they work for eternal dividends, not for the money. They aim to work for God's flock. If we do this we will have a good family life. The shepherd of this flock is preparing us for works of service.
Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.
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