Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Friday 26 October 2007

The Silent woman

1. The special mission is ubordination in church
This is not a joyful message but we live in a society where we have wrong ideas, we follow the ideas of society rather than the received will of God. We have public preaching by women, churches led and governed by women. Churches are doctrinally weak and men are unwilling to take the lead. There is a vacuum that is filled by women. It is not because they are unable to teach, or incapable of leading, or not as intelligent or such stable characters as men. Women teach in schools, they are very much needed. Many women are good leaders - Elizabeth I, Margret Thatcher etc. Church office is not denied because of inability to lead or moral uncertainty. The New Testament teaching is very controversial and dismissed by compromised churches or Paul is a chauvinist or his teaching was only meant for those churches in that situation. What is the bigger picture?
a) Women were disciples - see Luke 8. This was counter-cultural. Women were often not taught like men. In Luke 8 they were very active disciples and their faith was based on what they learnt themselves from Jesus.
b) Women were teachers - see 1 Timothy 5. Timothy was taught by his mother and grand mother who were believers. He was not taught by his father or grand father . In Acts 18 verse 24 Aquila taught as well as his wife Priscilla. They both instructed Apollos. In Romans 16 verse 13 Priscilla is described as a fellow worker with her husband.
c) Women are caregivers and helpers by mercy-ministry. Hospitality is provided by women who help deacons in the mercy ministry, especially with regards to women.
d) Women in extraordinary roles. Women taking men's role is not normal, they were not appointed kings, warrior judges or priests. They sometimes stepped in when men were not available - see Deborah in Judges 4 verse 4 or the 3 daughters in Acts 21 verses 8 to 9.
e) What does God mean for women to keep silent in church?
Look at 4 passages:
(i) I Timothy 2 verse 8 to 15. Paul wants everyone to pray and say the Amen. He wants the men to take the lead in praying. He says the authority of the elders is never to be tested by women in the public assembly. He does not say a woman can't be called an elder but can do the job of an elder. This is not tenable. The reasons: He says Adam's priority in creation shows this. The deception of the woman in the fall is behind this. Is he saying women are more susceptible than men? No he is saying what happens when there is role reversal. Eve took the lead and did not defer to Adam or consult him. It was role reversal. When this happens disaster strikes. The fall happened when God's divine order is set aside. They will benefit themselves from heeding this particular role distinction. It is enough to do without leading the church.
(ii) I1 Timothy 3 verse 14. This is how it is to be in all Christian assemblies. Anytime, anywhere in the world.
(iii) I Corinthians 11 verse 1. The woman is not inferior to the man because she submits herself to him any more than Christ is inferior to God the Father because he submits himself to the Father. Jesus is fully equal to to God the Father in essence but submits himself to his head as women should to their head. What about head covering? Women should pray in a manner that signifies their submission.
(iv) I Corinthians 14 verse 26 to 40. It is about teaching in the gathered public meeting. They should not raise questions in the meeting but wait until they get home. Questions can made as a challenge. Piper and Grey say: We should say that the teaching inappropriate for a woman is the teaching of men in settings that dishonour the calling of men to bear the primary responsibility for teaching in leadership.
(v) What about the office of deacon? In Romans 16 verse 1 we see Phoebe the deaconess or servant, it is probably a unique service. In 1 Timothy 3 verse 11 it is mentioned in the context of male deacons - a male office.
2. The special ministry is mentoring.
Elisabeth Elliot said "Where are the WOTTs The women of Titus Two?" It has a four fold job description:
a) Reverent - reflecting the character of the Lord she loves.
b)Truthful - she speaks the truth, and she speaks it in love. She does not slander.
c) Sober - she controls both her tongue and appetite. People give way to their feelings when they should keep them in check.
d) Teacher - younger women need the wisdom the older ladies provide. Younger women need the role modelling of older women in the Church.
There are great pressures on women today.
A. Let's appreciate the role that so many good women play in the life of Christ's church.
B. Let us men ensure we perform our roles in the church well. We men need to join in the menial tasks of the church as well. If we lead we need to do it with love and care and do it well under God's leadership.

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