Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Friday 26 October 2007

Leaving and cleaving

Ephesians 5:15 to 6:4 Genesis 2:23 to 24
Marriage is fundamental, basic and important for all in the world, the church and all communities. It is recognised by many as very important.
For the first time in history, we need to define marriage and family
a) It is seen by many as optional. What until now has been considered a 'normal' family, is viewed as one option. No longer claim to be only or superior form of living. With marriage and family under attack, our very civilization is under threat. When Eve was brought to Adam, it laid the foundations of society. From a father's authority, come the authority of governments. Today all this is under attack.
b) It is seen by some as disposable. The ideal of 'till death do us part' is gone. if it is difficult we trade it in on a new hope and hope for the best. Easy divorce laws reflect it. We have to work at it to make it work.
c) It is seen by a few as re-definable, IE - between the same sex. It is seen as a human invention rather than rooted in nature.
d) It is seen as undermined by human selfishness. If you are unfulfilled than get rid of it.
e) It is seen as undermined by a lack of trust and commitment. Many fear to commit because there are so many faithless people in the world. Many know the hurt of broken lives. Many have abused God's plan and left hurt and unhappiness. God has compassion on those who turn to him because they have suffered heart ache in this maelstrom of life. God is ready to forgive those who have made mistakes and who turn to him. Jesus came into the world for the needy, for those who have sinned and failed.
It is God's plan for one man and one woman to leave their families and cleave together for life. The woman was made for the man to meet his physical and emotional needs for life. It is the purest and greatest relationship God has given us. Sociologists say it grew up in evolution for women to civilize rogue males. Others say it was invented to pass on property or to give status in tribal society or to get money pr achieve something. The Bible says it is something before it achieves something. In Matthew 19:4 Jesus endorsed marriage and emphasised its permanence.He spoke in the times of the Romans who borrowed much from the Greeks when women's status was dire. It did not value marriage as Israel did. Paul had the gift of being single - he had to be single, it was wise because he could not have been a proper husband or father.
'United' means being super glued together, it is a permanent arrangement. A marriage then, is a covenant of companionship. See Malachi 2:14, marriage vows are making a covenant. It is not a contract (like a pre-nuptial contract), it is a covenant. A contract engages the services pf people and are for a period of time and can be broken leading to personal loss. Covenants are between people, are permanent, guaranteed by God and made in God's sight before witnesses.
Marriage is not an arrangement made in isolation from God and other human beings. It is done before people. Adam and Eve united in the presence of God. Society needs marriages that need witnessing before people. A marriage needs the love and support of the family and recognition by the community. People recognise it and give support in times of stress. It impacts on society. A new marriage delights people.
It is more than a piece of paper! People drift into cohabiting because there is a lack of trust in society. People say it is wise to live together to test each other and marriage is old fashioned and restrictive to women. This is what society thinks - it is socially acceptable. Those who cohabit before marriage are far more likely to break-up than marriages. The median length of cohabiting relationships is 2 years, they split up more quickly even when they have children. Cohabiting increases the break of marriages by 40 to 80%. Violence is 4 times more likely in cohabiting than marriage. These are statistics from society not christian propaganda.
The first step in a marriage covenant is leaving. This does not mean we abandon our parents, we must still care for them. All lesser relationships give way to the new. We must grow up and take on the responsibility of marriage. We must raise children so they are not dependent on us. We must prepare children to be good husbands and wives.
It is literal and figurative. They were naked and felt no shame, they had nothing to hide. Its openness. Husband and wife can relax in each others presence because they have nothing to hide and understand each other. It gets better as we learn to adapt to each other. It grows deeper and stronger as they unite to bring up children. A sexual relationship means you give the whole of yourself to someone.
If you're single, and content use your single state to love the Lord and his work. You have a family if you love the Lord - a worldwide family. If you're single, but desire to be be married, grow in grace and look for a partner who is committed to the same outlook as you so you can have a compatible spouse. If you are married to an unbeliever show gracious behaviour so they can be won over. If you're married to a believer reflect Christ and his love so you serve the Lord together and help others who may be struggling.
Marriages do not run on auto-pilot and need care and attention so that each person is looked after and cared for. We need to remember it is ongoing and needs constant adaptation and care. Most of us are made for marriage and it brings great joy. If marriage brings earthly joy. Christ brings heavenly joy, he proposes to unbelievers today that they can have this heavenly joy of eternal life, then we must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We must live to Christ.

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