Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday, 6 January 2008

The Message of the Rainbow

Genesis 9:8 to 17 and Isaiah 54
It is good to begin a new year with the message of the rainbow. They are seen as symbolic of the flood, a bridge to heaven, a symbol of love. Its real meaning is that it is a sign of a faithful God. Faith is depending on what God has promised. We can build our faith on his promises. To grow in faith we must believe in his promises.
Everything was lost, friends, homes all gone. It was all the start of a new and uncertain one. Noah knew little of what would grow, what animals would prosper etc. The rainbow was a sign that God still cared. This year may bring challenges, we have no idea of what is to come. A new year brings new challenges – we do not know what lies ahead for us, family etc. It is kindly and wisely hidden from us. Like Noah we face lots of unknowns. We do not know what is to come.
It was a sign of a covenant that promises. The flood had lasted for a year and ten days. God had disrupted the natural cycle of seasons. The world had become chaotic again. God promises never again to interrupt the seasons. Now we know the seasons will come. There may be localised floods and natural disasters but with planning and care they can be overcome. In the Old Testament and New Testament we read of famines. We may have catastrophes, even nuclear ones, but God will limit them. God will not allow man to destroy the world. He will protect the world until the end of time. God promise was made a covenant with Noah and creation. The big things of life are governed by contracts such as mortgages, insurances etc. They are time limited. A covenant is more binding than a contract, it is binding and solemn.
a) It is a unilateral covenant. God is the initiator ‘God said’. He imposes it on Noah and the world.
b) It is an unconditional covenant. It is not dependent upon men. There were no conditions to be met such as obedience, sacrifices etc. It was despite anything – any sin people committed. It is the same between a parent and child. It still matters no matter what the child does.
c) It is a universal covenant. It’s for everybody in the world. It is between God and every creature no matter where they are – desert, arctic or the depths of the sea. All benefit. We can depend on God to send the seasons in their designated order. It does not mean everyone is safe or saved or that they recognise God’s goodness but people still experience it.
d) It is an unending covenant. Perpetual generations will benefit. Even our 21st century with its global warning.
God placed a rainbow in the sky. Before the flood it had not rained. Rain was a sign that God was angry. When it rained again it would cause a new anxiety, it came against a background of judgement. Rainbows are caused by light being bent and refracted. Rainbows are beautiful and occur all over the world, thus making the sign available to the same extent as the flood itself. Did you notice, God says ‘I want you to look at that rainbow in the cloud and I want you to remember that I remember my covenant. God says he sees it and remembers Noah. Noah is being told when you see a rainbow remember that God remembers. God has given many signs – the blood on the doorposts at Passover, circumcision and the breaking of bread. These are signs of Christ’s love to us.
The things somebody does ‘shows their true colours’. What are God’s true colours? Ezekiel described God’s beauty in Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3. The Rainbow represents God’s glorious nature. His multiple attributes, his faithfulness, love etc. it demonstrates God’s glory breaking into the views of nature. Dark clouds of judgement breaking into love and compassion. We have a God who is just, pure and holy, yes. But a God who is full of grace and mercy towards those he loves.
In the mind of Noah and his family rain meant judgement. God comforted Noah with the rainbow. Need came first, then God gave evidence of his mercy and grace. It was not a compensation package to restore the world. It was a harsher world. God reassured Noah of his love and care. God is always there. Clouds can overshadow us at times. All that the world can say is that there is a silver lining in every cloud. But we need God’s rainbow of promise – the knowledge that whatever darkness covers our sky, God is able to keep us safe within the embrace of his eternal purposes of grace. God’s way is to reassure people of the reality of his love and care. God’s way is to give a sign of hope – a bright reminder of better things to come, a promise that reaffirms a relationship of covenant. Hope and reassurance are things we all need. May we be people of the rainbow covenant, under the multi coloured grace of God, reflecting God’s hues.
God is always merciful even when he chastens us. In wrath he remembers mercy. We live in days of clouds and darkness. Society rejects the Bible and its teachings. Under Noah’s covenant we have no need to fear the future if we trust in the Lord Jesus. God has reached down to us in the Lord Jesus Christ so we can know how to live. The rainbow cries out that he can be trusted. Are we a believer under a cloud, have they drawn our hearts away from his love? We need to look to the rainbow and now be troubled by our fears.

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