Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Paul in Miletus

Acts 20:13-38
Paul is travelling from Greece to Jerusalem. He stopped at Troas, now he has stopped at Miletus where he meets the Ephesian elders for the last time, they will never meet him again. What he says is important, there are no trivialities, it is of the utmost importance. It is addressed to the elders but it is important for all Christians and non-Christians.
It is prophetic – revealing the future via the Holy Spirit. This is not common in the New Testament. No one likes to be a prophet, they lived miserable lives because what they said was usually hard to hear. What Paul says is very sad. In verse 22 he says he was compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem, prison and hardship awaited him – see verse 25. He knows none of them will ever see him again. They had come to rely on him, his preaching and healing, sorting them out and teaching them, it was a great blow to them. In verses 29 and 30 he said the future held trouble for the church. On the one hand savage wolves would come among them – there would be physical persecution which would spare none and come from Jews and Romans alike. There would also be trouble from within the church. Men would arise who would distort the truth, false apostles and leader of sects and cults. They would draw away disciples after themselves. Paul served the Lord with great humility, these men put themselves first. They did this by distorting the truth, the Bible. This still happens today. Man call people after themselves. The elders were expected to discern this, men who preached themselves. They had to avoid such people.
Paul’s example. How he had lived among them, they knew this and this is what they had to follow. He served them with great humility and with tears. Generally, we should not believe men who speak of their own humility – unless they are inspired like Paul.
a) He served the Lord – his first motivation was not himself or the people but God. He never held himself up. He was intelligent, educated and brilliant, but he spoke to everyone from the lowest to the highest.
b) He spoke with tears. For 3 years he spoke with tears, this meant sincerity. He really desired the best for them. He felt for people in their sin who were heading for eternal death. This challenges in the 21st century. How many of us are moved to tears because of spiritual things – our own sin and the fate of the lost – hell. Is anyone moved to tears by spiritual things today? No.
c) He persevered in serving God and men.
d) His work was thorough. He went from house to house. He preached anything that was helpful. He preached publicly every day, then in people’s homes. He told everyone who would listen. This was centred on a central truth, people must turn in repentance to God through the Lord Jesus. This recognises that we are in rebellion to God and we must turn to God and walk in his ways and obey his will.
e) He did not care whether he lived or died. He was set on serving God. We must be single minded in our service of God.
f) He was innocent of the blood of all men – see Ezekiel. The image is of a watch man who sees the enemies coming, if he does nothing and people are killed he is guilty of their blood. If he gives a warning and they do nothing and they die he is not guilty. Paul told everyone everything he could, if they rejected it then their blood was on their own heads. If we come to church Sunday by Sunday and do not act on what we hear then we will have no excuse on Judgement day.
g) Paul was not a lover of money – verses 33 to 35. False apostles love money and tend to become very rich. We should question such people. Spurgeon earned vast sums of money from his writing but he gave most it away to the work of God. He left his wife £2,000. Paul gave away his money.
Paul instructed the elders.
a) Keep watch over themselves – their lives and doctrines. Also over one another.
b) Keep watch over the flock of God. To shepherd and care for them, preach and teach with all care, the Holy Spirit who calls them. Some are false elders, however, most are called by the Holy Spirit. It is not for their church but God’s, bought with the blood of Christ. In God’s eyes every believer is vastly precious.
Paul was leaving – verse 32
He committed them to God. We get over reliant on men, it is why cult leaders get a following. When churches get an outstanding leader, like Spurgeon, they are very blessed, but when the church loses them it often experiences great problems. Paul knew this, he committed them to God. They had their Bible and this was better than Paul. They did not need miracles or signs or wonders as they had God and His word. It was all they needed.
Applying all of this.How does our life and our ways compare to this? Do we trust God, do we persevere, have we given up our love of money, do we strive to serve others? Do we truly want to serve God with feeling and passion? How do we measure up to this?

Hard times lead to examination

Acts 27: 21-44 1 Peter 4:12-19
Nobody likes hard times, especially when you’ve done right. You may lead a healthy life style, but become ill, you may do the right thing at work but get blamed for failure. Hard times are not out of the will of God. He forewarns of persecution that comes by God’s will. Persevering can be costly. We must persevere in the face of hardship and suffering. It is relevant for us today.
We are in a spiritual battle and Satan is our foe. Our principles are different from unbelievers. We must deal with the sin in our lives. Peter calls his readers ‘dear friends’, he has affection for them. We may say ‘why does he allow this to happen if he loves us?’ Adversity is the diamond dust that shapes character. Those who dive into the sea of affliction bring up rare pearls says Spurgeon. If we wish to grow in grace we will pass through affliction and difficulties. Swindoll says ‘if we view life as a school and God as the instructor, it should be no surprise when we face examinations. Faith knows in its trials that character is built, why should we escape this?
It is very hard to rejoice in trials but good comes out of it.
a) Participation. We share in the sufferings of Christ. Nothing moves us closer to Christ. Think of footprints in the sand. If we are believers we love fellowship with Christ. Suffering draws us closer to Christ if it is for his sake. Christ suffered emotionally and physically, as we grow closer to him, so shall we. Our union with him is closer. We share in his suffering when we suffer. Suffering leads to patience, patience leads to perseverance etc. Seed Romans 5.
b) We experience the inpouring of the Holy Spirit. It takes God’s Spirit to make us shine and cope with our trials. When they stoned Stephen, they saw that his face shone. This is God shining through him.
c) We will rejoice more when we see Christ. Trials will lead us to a deeper level of joy at his coming.
When things are going badly we often ask why? Are we going astray or have we done wrong?
a) If you do wrong, you should expect to suffer. If I’m reaping the consequences, I need to repent for making Christ unpopular. A father disciplines his children when they go astray. God will not allow us to continue to dishonour him. Crimes invite retribution from the state. Also we may suffer because we meddle in the affairs of others. These people bring disgrace on God’s name, this should not be known among us.
b) Some suffering is worthwhile. It glorifies Christ. We should not be ashamed if our lives are more difficult than those of unbelievers. We should see it as an honour to be associated with Christ..
c) Consider the depth of sin and the eternal perspective in trials. Let the examination begin with us.
(i) Jeremiah 25:29 If the righteous need disciplinary judgement, how much more will the unrighteous need eternal judgement? So we will not be judged with the world.
(ii) If it starts with us, it won’t end with us. Unbelievers are in big trouble. This life is the only Hell God’s people will know. Hell is 10,000 times worse than this life.
It’s hard to be saved because you are misunderstood, people may give you a hard time for being a sincere Christian, Matthew 7:14. We don’t like being different.
It’s hard because people don’t like the Gospel message itself. People are told they are not good enough for Heaven. People have to be humble to come to God for salvation.
It’s hard for people to see conversion as the only way – Romans 10:9. People are very proud.
It’s hard to accept that a true Christian must pray – Acts 2:21. Paul was seen to be a believer because he prayed. This is a sign we have lost our independence and need to rely upon God.
We entrust ourselves to God in trials, verse 19. ‘Entrust’ means to deposit one’s valuables to another for safe keeping. 2 Timothy 1:12. It was the word Jesus uttered from the cross when he died – Luke 23:46. Jesus said ‘I commit myself into your hands.’ Have we committed ourselves to our creator? If you are discouraged and distressed, put your life in God’s hands. He is a good banker. He will take care of his own. He will sustain you. He will see you through. It is God’s desire that we deposit our trials to His care and charge, Isaiah 43:2. The occupants of the ship in Acts 27 had to commit themselves into God’s hands as we do spiritually, if we want to land safely on the shores of Heaven. We must grasp the Lord Jesus and never let him go. Have you done that?

Noah and his family

Ephesians 2 Genesis 9: 20-29
We have already discussed alcohol and its effects on people. We should not be filled with wine but with the Holy Spirit, we should turn to God. The Bible is relevant for all time and it is there to instruct us. There are basic lessons and warnings for our lives. The basic building block for human society is the family. Our world needs a structured life and authority. Today we have a lack of structure and authority in the home.
A FATHER’S SHAME – verse 22
Alcohol makes us feel ‘warm’, it doesn’t really, but Noah stripped off and lay naked. It makes us lose our inhibitions. Nakedness leads us to vice of all kinds. Naturism purports to be natural and innocent, it is not, for hearts are sinful. The Lord warns against exposing our nakedness in worship. We should wear a covering over our lower bodies. Noah, who had set a good example was found in a shameful condition, out of character. It was done privately not publicly which would have been even worse. We need to be consistent, especially in our own homes. Christian parents are often ashamed of what they have said and done. Children can be very forgiving, Noah was a forgiven man. He was good man, this action was out of character. Noah was covered eternally by the righteousness of God.
Noah dishonours himself, and then he is dishonoured by his son. Why was he condemned?
a) The sin was in the way he reacted, no grief but gossip. He may have leered and made fun of his father. The text suggests this. It was an unnecessary sharing of shame. It we point a finger at someone else, three still point back at us. He had probably been affected by the sexual sin of the old world that had been destroyed. A prisoner gets used to the stench of a prison. We get used to the stench of sin. The popular press thrives on reporting sin, especially those of fallen preachers. We need to avoid needless exposure to the world.
b) There was a lack of proper respect. He did not protect his father. Ham took advantage of his father’s weakness. He did not honour his father, see the 5th commandment. It was the first command with a promise. Respect for parents undergirds society. It is a command of God, if we cross that line there will be consequences – curses. There are consequences in our society. Society is under a curse and it suffers for it. It is hard, especially when parents have been neglectful or abusive. Jesus honoured and obeyed his flawed, sinful parents, he was the perfect child. He is called the everlasting father and we can show respect for him.
c) He did not value his father’s religion. He mocked Noah when he saw he had fallen. If it hadn’t been for Noah, Ham would have drowned. Ham helped build the ark, and outwardly he went along with his father’s faith. But in his heart he was really with the world, not with his father’s God. He had seen the horrors of God’s judgement but he was smug when he saw his father’s sin. Children need to know the Lord personally and not rely on someone else’s faith.
They were shocked and amazed at their father had done. They took the garment, possibly a treasured robe. They did not want to look. They honoured him, they grieved over his fall. They knew that it was not typical. We must turn away from sin and turn away and cover the failings of those who are our parents. God covered Adam and Eve’s nakedness – i.e., shame.
a) A curse for Canaan – verse 25.
(i) Maybe he was involved in sinful disrespect. Maybe the son was a party to Ham’s disrespect.
(ii) It showed the mercy of God. He sinned as a son, he was punished as a son.
(iii) Ham reaped as he sowed.
(iv) It was more of prophecy than a curse. Israel conquered Canaan and made slaved of the Canaanites.
(v) The sins of parents affect their children sometimes for Generations – see Exodus 20:5. It went into Sodom and Gomorra. Also see Exodus 20:5, families are affected by the sins of parents. Families are hurt by the sins of their parents. Children suffer because of parents’ self-centred, sinful lives. Some children are loved, some abused. Only when you put God in the picture do children have a chance. If Canaan and his family continue in sexual deviancy, they will suffer.
This was used to justify slavery and apartheid, enslaving humans is wrong and never justified in the Bible.
b) A blessing for Shem – verse 26. He has a personal relationship with the Lord and God is going to make his line a special race – see Luke 3:35. Abraham was one of his descendants as was David, Joseph and Mary who gave birth to Jesus. The God of Shem is the God of the Lord Jesus.
c) A blessing for Japheth – verse 27. His descendants will be numerous and dominant in the World, Indo-European people. Japheth will come under Shem’s shelter, they will be brought into God’s family, as in the Day of Pentecost. If we are Christians today, it is because of Shem’s blessing and belief in his God. One day people of all races will know the God of Shem and become his offspring in a spiritual sense. Is this true for you today?
a) Always be careful not to allow other’s sin to trigger sin in you. It is easier to copy others than to follow God.
b) Always remember sin has consequences. Shouldn’t Noah have been punished? He was, he suffered shame for the rest of his life. It is the last thing we know of Noah.
c) Always remember the important thing is not background. Rahab was a Canaanite who was saved. The Canaanite woman in Matthew l5 found her great faith was rewarded.
d) Always remember we experience blessing in obedience. We must obey and pay the price.
e) Always remember every sin can be forgiven, if you repent. Henry says ‘we never read that Noah was drunk again.’ Even if we lapse, the grace of God covers, restores, teaches and renews. If we fail God will forgive us and set us on the road again – see Peter and David who were restored. We need to heed the warnings and encouragements of the Word.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Stewarding gifts

Romans 12:1-13 1 Peter 4:10-11
In the last 30 to 40 years there has been much confusion and discussion about spiritual gifts. A church is only healthy when its members exercise their gifts.
Paul speaks the most about gifts, Peter takes it up. God’s grace and gifts are multicoloured. Nothing is too small for God to use. God will ask: how have you used the gift I gave you?
a) Some gifts all have and some have particular ones. To be a real Christian you must have received the Holy Spirit – the gift of grace.
b) All gifts, whether continuing or temporary are spiritual gifts. All the gifts that God gives come from the same source – the Holy Spirit. Some were temporary –signs and wonders. Others continue.
c) The lists of gifts found are not exhaustive or perfectly organised. Paul lists by authority.
d) Some of the gifts overlap in function with other gifts mentioned. The gift of service embraces many activities as does showing mercy, do not put gifts into air tight containers.
e) Not every gift is supernaturally bestowed in a moment of time. Some are given like that, some develop over time as the believer exercises them. People are prepared for a life of service before they are converted. Pastors and elders have often been leaders in business.
f) Spiritual gifts empower saints to perform spiritual ministry. They are not natural abilities, they are supernatural given to each believer.
g) Spiritual gifts are given to every Christian 1 Corinthians 12:7. Each one should use whatever gift he has received. No believer has been excluded. We all have at least one.
h) Spiritual gifts are ‘gracious’ in nature. 1 Corinthians 4:7. They are undeserved and unasked for. What do we have that we have not received? It is a donation of God himself.
i) Spiritual gifts are given to Christians as a stewardship. They are entrusted to us. We need to discern what gift he has given to us.
j) Spiritual gifts are given to us as the means of edifying others. Edifying means to build others up.
k) Spiritual gifts are to be exercised in love – see 1 Corinthians 13. It is placed between the other two chapters on gifts, acts have no value without love.
l) Spiritual gifts should be exercised to the glory of God 1 Corinthians 10:31. Do all to the glory of God, not for recognition or reward but for God’s glory, there are two basic divisions – speaking and serving.
Verse ll – these are verbal – privately and publicly.
a) Peter is urging those who teach to speak scripturally – see verse 11. No diluting or adulterating the word of God. God will help us to remember what he has said.
b) Peter is urging those who speak to communicate authority. It is God’s authority – the prophets said ‘this is what God has said - we bring people face to face with God’s authority – see Mark 7:28. The rabbis often had opinions and did not speak what God had said – see Deuteronomy 29:29.
c) Peter recognizes different speaking gifts – see Romans 12:6. God has always had someone speaking his word, sometimes people foretold, usually they forth told. Prophets usually told what was in God’s word as did the apostles. When the Bible was completed, so was God’s word. This is not given to many who proclaim.
(i) Prophecy - Romans 12:6. It is the gift of proclaiming publicly.
(ii) Teaching - Romans 12:6. The ability to pass on the truth in a systematic way. It is like a choir director, so the music proceeds in an orderly way. The teacher should be organised.
(iii) Exhortation - Romans 12:8. The ability to motivate others to respond to the truth, the ability to get alongside , build and encourage. See Acts 4:36. It can be private or public. It is good to have people who can do this.
(iv) Knowledge - 1 Corinthians 12:8, the ability to discover and understand biblically. To observe Biblical facts and conclusions. Knowledge of the original languages and the background of the Bible – ie Biblical commentators.
(v) Wisdom - 1 Corinthians 12:8, the ability to apply principles practically. It is applying knowledge, to use well what has been learnt. An experienced Christian counsellor does this.
a) Leadership – the ability to make decisions and determine direction. They will be good at delegating and steering the ship. Some are good leaders and are well fitted for this.
b) Service - Romans 12:7 – the ability to identify and care for needs and helps. The word ‘deacon’ and ‘ministry’ come from it. It is practical and designed to help people to take a burden off someone and bear it yourself. It is perhaps the most common gift and it is often unsung – nothing gets done without it.
c) Mercy - Romans 12:7 – the ability to empathize and show compassion. It is a heart that cares for physical and emotional and mental distress. God cares for us in the mess we are in. Proverbs 14:31, also see the parable of the Good Samaritan. The Samaritan got nothing back – he did it out of compassion. Sometimes we have nothing to give but a merciful and compassionate heart. To cry with the bereaved is to give all we can sometimes.
d) Giving - Romans 12:7 – the ability to be super givers, beyond the normal. Down the years there have been remarkable givers, they give away their fortunes.
e) Faith - 1 Corinthians 12:8, this gift was the watchdog of the church. It was often connected to remarkable events such as Hudson Taylor, George Muller and other who acted in the face of great obstacles.
f) Discernment - this was especially so before the written word was given. Today we still need people to discern impure doctrine and false teachers, who can see dangers. We need to ask for this gift.
Let’s use the gifts as good stewards, ask for wisdom to know how best to serve, and then do so in the strength God supplies. As a church we need to discern our gift so we can be part of a believing community.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Life in the New World

Proverbs 23:29-35 Ephesians 5:15-21 Genesis 9:18-21

Seedtime and harvest are not failing; God is keeping his word.He did as he said to Noah. Noah was a farmer or gardener. The soil and climate were good for growing grapes. Humanity to this day prove God’s faithfulness. Crops flourish today and poverty and malnourishment have dropped from 84% to 20% in the last 200 years. This coincides with the spread of the Gospel. Life expectancy has gone up from 22 in medieval times to 36 in the 18th century to 78 now. This has come about because of the spread of the gospel and its transference of medical care. As the gospel declines, so hope declines.
God gave us fruit, and any fruit juice has the capacity for fermentation. There is no harm in this. Wine means fermented fruit juice. God gave fermentation, the word is used 135 times. Wine gives us feelings of relaxation. Rich alcohol drinks were unknown in Biblical times, they are made by distilling. They arrived in medieval times.
God gave every encouragement to obey him. He warned about the dangers of sin. Like many of God’s gifts, wine has potential to bring cheer or ruin. This incident probably occurred 5 years after the flood. He drank too much and was badly affected.
a) A mature believer sinned against God. Noah had walked with God for over 600 years amid wickedness. He had been saved from destruction. He had seen God’s justice against sin. You would think he would be so careful to avoid sin. We expect people to grow in grace and to mature. How could he fall into such shameful outer sin? Was it a sudden lapse or a gradual slide? He adjusted to the new world. He was not a young man, he grew tired more quickly. It is not easy to be old, he battled against new sins of old age. He may have had more time on his hands and an easier life as he sampled the fruits of the vine.in2 Chronicles 32:25 Hezekiah sinned in old age. In 2 Chronicles 16 so did Asa who would not seek God. Sin crouches at the door and Satan wants to trap us. No one is immune from temptation until we reach glory.
b) A knowledgeable believer sinned. He knew the strength and danger of too much wine and he sinned knowing the danger. 1 Corinthians 8:1. He sinned when he knew the danger. Knowledge of the truth does not keep us from sin. Knowledge can puff us up. It does not guarantee holiness of life.
c) A blessed believer sinned. When he had to be determined, he kept going building the ark. When the pressure is off, the guard come down. This happened to King David and when he became king he sinned. When life becomes easy we become careless, there is no immunity from sin. We all stumble in many ways, even the best of us. We fail in our lips and in our lives. God is faithful and just to forgive us when we repent. There is forgiveness and cleansing when we fail. Constant vigilance is the price of victory over sin.
At the very beginning of the life after the flood we have this record of drunkenness. The Bible hides nothing – good or bad. This was not an unknown result of drunkenness. The Bible condemns drunkenness and drinking to excess. Excessive drinking has become almost fashionable among the young.
a) The health consequences of excessive drinking are dreadful. Long term damage of the liver and heart grow from excessive drinking. It impairs judgement and is addictive and ruinous. The first result is a lightened mood. Next comes reduced inhibition, then impaired vision etc. Then comes vomiting and a lapse into a coma. Finally can come death due to alcohol poisoning.
b) The moral consequences of excessive drinking are horrendous. It is disgusting, shameful and sinful. This is sad and embarrassing. In the Bible drunkenness is associated with sexual sin and immorality. Proverbs 25. It is an expensive and serious social disorder. Costs to society run to £20 billion per year. We are told in 1 Timothy 3 that no drunkard can be a church officer or inherit the kingdom of God.
There are two reactions to this problem of excessive drinking.
a) The response of total abstinence. Total abstinence is the preferred route of many believers. Scripture warns it does untold damage. God’s woes are pronounced on those who indulge. The Bible supports drinking grape juice, not wine. Priests were forbidden to drink alcohol in Leviticus 10:9. It helps prevent hindrances in our spiritual life – Romans 14:21. It is best to abstain. We must never press a drink on a weaker brother or sister. We can get through life without alcohol.
b) The response of strict moderation. Excess is clearly prohibited but the use of alcohol is not in itself a sin.
(i) Wine is represented as a blessing from God – Genesis 27:28 Deuteronomy 14:26 Psalm104:13. These scriptures tell us wine in moderation is a blessing.
(ii) Wine is used to prefigure spiritual blessings – Isaiah 25:6. Can it be inherently evil? No.
(iii) Wine has beneficial properties – Proverbs 31:6 1 Timothy 5:23. Before modern medicine, wine had medicinal benefit. It can purify water.
(iv) Our Lord himself drank wine on occasions – Luke 7:33. He drank wine, he turned water into wine and instituted the Lord’s supper with wine as part of it. It is a matter of individual conscience. We must settle the matter in the face of God. Why do many people drink heavily? It makes them feel good. Many drink to dull sorrow, to dull the pain and get a temporary lift. It is no cure. They need the God of all comfort, peace with God and the joy of the Lord. To be filled with the Spirit is the real answer, not to be filled with alcohol – Ephesians 5:18. We can get peace from God alone when we turn to him through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Everything is coming to an end …so….

Hebrews 13
1Peter 4:7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
[1] KEEP YOURSELF IN MIND OF THE END OF ALL THINGS - 7 The end of all things is near. Peter has encouraged and counselled in several different ways. Now he takes up a new thought.
The suffering they are now experiencing is limited for everyone, because it will soon be ended by death or by the return of Christ. However we do not know when either of these things will happen. We are all living on the edge of eternity.
A]The first fact is that Jesus Christ is coming again one day. 7 The end of all things is near. Most people associate such a statement with a man holding a placard. They view such a person with amusement thinking he is slightly nutty or eccentric. Few today take such a person or their message seriously. However that message is lifted straight out of the NT and is a word to Christians of all times.
Today many will say, it’s been almost 2,000 years and life goes on. How can anyone say that the end of all things has come near? Peter answers that charge in 2 Peter 3:3-10. What such scoffers don’t realize is that God’s view of time and ours are significantly different. A thousand years with the Lord is as one day.
We must understand the difference between saying “the end of all things is near,” and “the end of all things is here.” Peter is speaking of the consummation of all of God’s plans. The end is not just one event but the converging of all things to draw to a close the eternal purposes of God. The prophets spoke of future events relating to the first and second coming of our Lord as though they were one event. It is all a part of one big plan, a plan God is bringing to a close.
Our Lord taught that He was going to return to the earth one day visibly and powerfully, the angels confirmed it, the apostles affirmed it, we are called to live expecting it. Matt 25:31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. Acts 1:11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." 1Thess 4:16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Every now and again a religious group will become convinced that the Lord’s coming is imminent an will try and persuade others this is the case, some even have sold up and gone out to sit on a hilltop and await His coming. Lots of Pseudo-Christian cults have made the same mistake, the JW’s have and then smothered their failed prophesies with lies.
In 1988, thousands of pastors in America received a booklet sent by a man who claimed to have 88 reasons why he knew Christ was returning in 1988. Other booklets saying the same followed.
Such attempts at dating the return of the Lord are doomed to failure. However in some ways they are good because they keep us on our toes, and remind us that our Lord is coming. That does not hurt us because a great danger is that we get sleepy and stop living in the expectancy of the end of all things.
Peter uses a word translated “at hand” or “approaching.” In other words we are to be in a state of readiness. We don’t have the date, we do have the instruction to be ready, we do know that it gets nearer every moment, we “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here” Romans 13:12. “The Lord is at hand” Philippians 4:5. “The Lord's coming is near” James 5:8.
Let me illustrate. Some years ago we took our young family on a train from Ashford to London for the first time. Every time the train stopped, one of them asked, are we there yet, or do we get off here? The answer was the same each time: “No, we’re not there yet, but we’re on the way, and it’s not far now.” You aren’t there yet, you’re on the way, and it’s not that far. And every moment you spend in travelling brings you closer to your destination.
So we all need to live in light of the fact that the end of all things is near. Lu 12:36 be like men waiting for their master to return. Does that mean that we make no plans for the future? No, of course not! Reader’s Digest 5/82 had an article that said this – “The art of living successfully consists of being able to hold two opposite ideas in tension at the same time: first, to make long-term plans as if we were going to live forever; and second, to conduct ourselves daily as if we were going to die tomorrow”.
B] The second fact is that our own time on earth is limited.
Death will eventually touch our circle of friends and family.
In days when life expectancy was very short and illness could strike suddenly and irreversibly parents would often teach their children to say this prayer … “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to take.” Children grew up knowing premature death was very possible and this prayer helped them be prepared for it.
What if that bedtime prayer finally came true? What if you knew that this would be your final day on earth? What would you do? How would you live?
Knowing that eternity is just around the corner should affect the way we live.
Some want to shut such thoughts out - A pastor was asked by a friend to visit his dying relative, when he arrived her husband opened the door just far enough to say that his wife was “not up to a visit” at the time. Through the opening in the door, the pastor could see the wife sitting up in bed reading magazines. Here was a woman who knew she was dying but rather than deal with eternal issues, she chose to live in the make believe world of Hollywood.
Others face up to it and are ready - Certain monks of the Middle Ages had human skulls in their cells, inscribed with the Latin expression, "memento mon" (remember your death). It was a morbid practice not the sort of thing likely to catch on today - but it served a useful purpose at that time. It was to remind these people of the transiency of life and the need to establish the right priorities.
How would we change, if we knew we had only a brief time to live? A young person in the prime of life might try to crowd an entire lifetime into a few months. An older person hopefully would ensure the family is properly provided for. What about a believer? A young Christian might be ready but first want to get married and have children. A mature believer might feel they need to prepare those around them? Many of us might have things we need to share or do!
However, there are other priorities which are far more important in God's sight, and these are what Peter calls to our attention here. He singles out things that are important knowing our days are numbered. We must bear in mind what awaits believers is far better than the best this life can offer. We must make sure our relationship with God is right and our relationship to others is healthy as well.
We can’t take the world with us, the Pharaohs toys are still in their tombs after thousands of years. What we can take with us, and what is lasting and satisfying is what is in our heart.
[2] KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS UNDER CONTROL SO YOU CAN PRAY. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
Prayer acknowledges our weakness and dependence on God. Not to pray is to assert our own sufficiency. As we recognize our own inadequacy and God’s total sufficiency, we should be driven to prayer.
Peter mentions two somewhat synonymous qualities which will help us to be people of prayer: clear minded and self-controlled.
Clear minded is to think sanely, realistically, to make judgments based upon truth and reality rather than on distorted perception. It is the same word used for the man with the legion of demons in Mark 5:1-20 after Christ had healed him he was literally in his “right mind.” The same word is used as a qualification for elders and means level-headed, not impulsive, not swayed by fluctuating emotions. Sound judgment concerning ourselves will move us to prayer as we recognize our own weakness, but also, God’s strength.
Self-controlled also deals with a sober state of mind capable of perceiving and reasoning accurately and in accordance with reality. The term describes a state of emotional control so that under pressure, you don’t give in to anger or fear or depression or otherwise lose your composure. Peter slept in the garden with Jesus when he should have been alert, sober, and in prayer. As a result he fell into temptation and sin.
Peter is not saying we have got to calculating and clinical to be fit to pray. He is warning against becoming distracted, bothered, and controlled totally by your circumstances. When that happens you can’t pray. When we are wound up, we can’t slow down or focus long enough to pray.
The pressures and emotional turmoil that often comes into our lives is very powerful, and for Christians to survive they need to be clear-minded so they can see things in their proper perspective
The Christian can also get so controlled by the spirit of the world and with the things of the present and they fail to make heavenly things their priority and the prayer life becomes negligible.
How can you pray without thinking? Prayer is not a mindless utterance of a meaningless noise, nor is it the mindless repetition of memorised phrases. Prayer involves heart and mind. How can you pray without thinking?
Maintaining a healthy prayer life is one of the hardest things for the Christian. It is much easier to be activists.
Pritchard- the only advice I can add is to start praying early in the day—as soon as you wake up—before the pressure of the day wraps its arms around you. Start the day with prayer and you’re likely to remain cool, calm and collected all day long.
As we begin this New Year let us seek to be more prayerful. Listen to Paul - 1Th 5:17 pray continually; 1Th 5:25 Brothers, pray for us.
Prayer is the forerunner of blessing. It is the God-ordained means for our spiritual development and the progress of His church.
[3] KEEP YOURSELF FULL OF FORGIVING LOVE 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
“Above all” does not pit love against prayer; rather, Peter is calling our attention to the priority of love for fellow Christians as a central part of the Christian faith. Jesus said that love for one another is His new commandment, the mark by which the world will know that we are His followers. Loving our neighbour is second only to loving God, and is a tangible evidence that we do love God. Paul told the Corinthians that without love he would be nothing.
Peter didn’t doubt that his readers were practicing love, but he knew that in hard times it’s easy to start taking out our frustrations on those closest to us.
So he writes, love each other deeply. This word was used of an athlete straining his muscles, or a horse running at full gallop. It means “stretched-out love.” It’s love that goes on and on and on.
This implies that love is not a warm, fuzzy feeling, it takes sustained, strenuous effort. The fact that love can be commanded shows that it is primarily an action, not an emotion, although often there will be an emotional element involved.
Often biblical love is more sweat than sweet. It involves effort! It costs something. In his book ‘The Four Loves’, C. S. Lewis describes it this way:
‘To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one. Wrap it carefully with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in a casket of your own selfishness. There it will not be broken.’
It’s fairly easy to love people who don’t sin against you. Biblical love extends even to those who wrong you. The phrase comes from Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs. Similarly Proverbs 17:9 He who covers over an offence promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. Peter seems to have in mind the fact that love is ready to forgive and careful to protect the offender from needless exposure. The fact is people do offend, they can speak hastily, unpleasantly, they can accuse, and bully to get their own way, they can make unwarranted insinuations, and allegations.
What do we do them? One hopes they will be humble and gracious and confess their faults, but if there is no confession and repentance? R. T. K. says that if you wait for some people to repent, most of the time you’ll wait forever. Sometimes people who hurt you don’t know it. If you try to convince them they did wrong, you’ll start an argument. So forgive and pray for them.
Every time someone wrongs me I have two choices. I can forgive it, and move on, or I can stir up conflict. Deep love expects others to fail, expects to be hurt and expects to be used unfairly. Love has a short memory.
SC - The meaning is—love tries to find a way to treat a sinner discreetly. It is exactly the opposite of hatred that exposes weakness and humiliates someone else, love deals with sin publicly only as a last resort.
We need to hear this word because others will fail us a “multitude” of times. Love isn’t surprised when close friends fail, isn’t surprised when promises aren’t kept, isn’t surprised when others write unkind letters, and isn’t surprised when we are criticized unfairly.
If your marriage is going to succeed, love will have to cover a multitude of sins. The same is true where you work and where you live. No church can survive very long unless love covers a multitude of sins. Because sin is everywhere, love must stretch out to cover sin. Without that we will never be able to live together. Someone once said there are too many touchy people in the church.
That love covers sin does not mean that love condones sin. Scripture is clear that love often confronts sin. Church discipline, which is sometimes necessary as an expression of love, exposes rather than covers sin. So how do we know whether to cover someone’s sin or to confront it?
There is no easy formula other than study how Jesus dealt with the disciples and how God deals with His people and seek to do likewise.
The sin of the unruly and belligerent need confrontation, not covering, but others are weak and need encouragement so cover their sin.
Most offenses are too trivial to confront but if it is creating a barrier to relationships, then it needs to be cleared up in a way that will bring healing.
If a person has a sin that is hindering God’s glory in his life or that may result in his falling into worse sin, it needs to be confronted, not covered.
So lets begin the Year with this principle love each other deeply, embedded in us.
[4] KEEP YOURSELF SHARING WITHOUT GRUMBLING -9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
The word hospitality means kindness shown to strangers. It was vitally important in the early church because travelling speakers or the displaced or those who had suffered a misfortune had nowhere else to go. Plato called innkeepers--"pirates who held their guests to ransom." The early Christian church depended on open homes. In those days, to welcome other believers into the home was an honour.
By being hospitable, they gave evidence of their own faith, and did what was pleasing to their Lord. The may even have entertained an angel!
The bad news is that they drew attention to themselves and may have been arrested and even put to death for “harbouring a criminal.”
So it was a test of faith to be seen entertaining other believers. Since then believers today in China, Islamic countries and other places are marked out when they show hospitality to Christians.
Peter does not mention the repercussions or the blessings from showing hospitality. Instead, he exhorts us to be hospitable, without grumbling. He was a realist. He had experienced hospitality but knew from experience it doesn’t always remain easy after an extended period of time. When we tell people, make yourself at home, that's exactly what they may do and we may regret saying that.
But let us be careful to see that hospitality is no less important in the church today. We still have visiting missionaries. We have newcomers to our church who would greatly profit from hospitality.
Hospitality does not come naturally these days; our culture holds privacy so dear. Our high fences isolate us from our neighbours. But the kind of hospitality Jesus and the apostles spoke of is not natural—it is supernatural it is but one more way in which servant-hood is expressed. Open homes, of course, are a result of open hearts, for example the home of Lydia and the home of Gaius.
The early Christians understood that God had given them a place to live not just to get away from the world but also a means for ministering to others.
Home may be a refuge and a castle but can be a tool for evangelism and ministry. When you read the NT notice how often Christians were in homes. Jesus spent three years in someone else’s house. And He had twelve men with Him!
What is striking about these instructions is that they are the sort of things any believer can engage in - alertness, prayerfulness, forgiving love, sharing. God wants us to venture ourselves and start with what we have - as humble as it may be. Lets us look forward to another year of joyful, fruitful service.

Sunday, 6 January 2008

The Message of the Rainbow

Genesis 9:8 to 17 and Isaiah 54
It is good to begin a new year with the message of the rainbow. They are seen as symbolic of the flood, a bridge to heaven, a symbol of love. Its real meaning is that it is a sign of a faithful God. Faith is depending on what God has promised. We can build our faith on his promises. To grow in faith we must believe in his promises.
Everything was lost, friends, homes all gone. It was all the start of a new and uncertain one. Noah knew little of what would grow, what animals would prosper etc. The rainbow was a sign that God still cared. This year may bring challenges, we have no idea of what is to come. A new year brings new challenges – we do not know what lies ahead for us, family etc. It is kindly and wisely hidden from us. Like Noah we face lots of unknowns. We do not know what is to come.
It was a sign of a covenant that promises. The flood had lasted for a year and ten days. God had disrupted the natural cycle of seasons. The world had become chaotic again. God promises never again to interrupt the seasons. Now we know the seasons will come. There may be localised floods and natural disasters but with planning and care they can be overcome. In the Old Testament and New Testament we read of famines. We may have catastrophes, even nuclear ones, but God will limit them. God will not allow man to destroy the world. He will protect the world until the end of time. God promise was made a covenant with Noah and creation. The big things of life are governed by contracts such as mortgages, insurances etc. They are time limited. A covenant is more binding than a contract, it is binding and solemn.
a) It is a unilateral covenant. God is the initiator ‘God said’. He imposes it on Noah and the world.
b) It is an unconditional covenant. It is not dependent upon men. There were no conditions to be met such as obedience, sacrifices etc. It was despite anything – any sin people committed. It is the same between a parent and child. It still matters no matter what the child does.
c) It is a universal covenant. It’s for everybody in the world. It is between God and every creature no matter where they are – desert, arctic or the depths of the sea. All benefit. We can depend on God to send the seasons in their designated order. It does not mean everyone is safe or saved or that they recognise God’s goodness but people still experience it.
d) It is an unending covenant. Perpetual generations will benefit. Even our 21st century with its global warning.
God placed a rainbow in the sky. Before the flood it had not rained. Rain was a sign that God was angry. When it rained again it would cause a new anxiety, it came against a background of judgement. Rainbows are caused by light being bent and refracted. Rainbows are beautiful and occur all over the world, thus making the sign available to the same extent as the flood itself. Did you notice, God says ‘I want you to look at that rainbow in the cloud and I want you to remember that I remember my covenant. God says he sees it and remembers Noah. Noah is being told when you see a rainbow remember that God remembers. God has given many signs – the blood on the doorposts at Passover, circumcision and the breaking of bread. These are signs of Christ’s love to us.
The things somebody does ‘shows their true colours’. What are God’s true colours? Ezekiel described God’s beauty in Ezekiel 1:28 and Revelation 4:3. The Rainbow represents God’s glorious nature. His multiple attributes, his faithfulness, love etc. it demonstrates God’s glory breaking into the views of nature. Dark clouds of judgement breaking into love and compassion. We have a God who is just, pure and holy, yes. But a God who is full of grace and mercy towards those he loves.
In the mind of Noah and his family rain meant judgement. God comforted Noah with the rainbow. Need came first, then God gave evidence of his mercy and grace. It was not a compensation package to restore the world. It was a harsher world. God reassured Noah of his love and care. God is always there. Clouds can overshadow us at times. All that the world can say is that there is a silver lining in every cloud. But we need God’s rainbow of promise – the knowledge that whatever darkness covers our sky, God is able to keep us safe within the embrace of his eternal purposes of grace. God’s way is to reassure people of the reality of his love and care. God’s way is to give a sign of hope – a bright reminder of better things to come, a promise that reaffirms a relationship of covenant. Hope and reassurance are things we all need. May we be people of the rainbow covenant, under the multi coloured grace of God, reflecting God’s hues.
God is always merciful even when he chastens us. In wrath he remembers mercy. We live in days of clouds and darkness. Society rejects the Bible and its teachings. Under Noah’s covenant we have no need to fear the future if we trust in the Lord Jesus. God has reached down to us in the Lord Jesus Christ so we can know how to live. The rainbow cries out that he can be trusted. Are we a believer under a cloud, have they drawn our hearts away from his love? We need to look to the rainbow and now be troubled by our fears.

The New Year

John 10:1 to 21 and Psalm 23

The scriptures encourage us to reflect on the passing of time – to number our days aright as Moses says in Psalm 90. Psalm 23 is appropriate for this. It used to be very well known, it was learnt in schools, this is not so now. Some people say that there are problems with it – it is too bright and cheerful. It is not the only one of David’s psalms that is cheerful. Often he is crying for help or for forgiveness because of sin, was he rejecting what he wrote in Psalm 23 then? No, Psalm 23 is about the life of a child of God, in the end that is cheerful, bright and glorious. It is an overview. It is an overview. It is a picture of a shepherd and his sheep. David had been a shepherd. This was natural.
1. God is his shepherd. It is natural for us. The Lord Jesus accepted and applied it to himself – see John 10. We think of the Lord Jesus in Psalm 23 and accept it as David did. It delights us for this reason. He was also saying ‘I am one of the Lord’s sheep. He knew they were not bright animals, David accepted that there was a lot wrong with him as there is with us. In those days they had to be taken out to find food and water. They needed leading and protecting from wolves, lions and thieves. This only worked if the sheep followed the shepherd. This applies to us or we get into trouble – if we do not follow God’s word and commands. The picture applies to us all.
2. The shepherd provides for the sheep – verse 2. The shepherd provides rest and plenty. David knew this – he began as a shepherd and God showered him with plenty. He had much to thank God for. God has lavished much on us. God has given us an abundance of food, medicine, education and much more which our forefathers and poor nations do not have. Our shepherd has given us rest – peace and freedom.
3. He restores us and guides – verse 3. as in the parable of the lost sheep, he seeks out the lost sheep who has strayed from the fold. He restores our souls when we are born again and he took us from death to eternal life. He guides us in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. His name and character and honour are at stake here. If he had lost sheep David would have been in trouble. If Jesus fails to bring his sheep home for their eternal rest he would be blameworthy. David knows his shepherd will never fail. David says this for our encouragement. Jesus will never abandon us. He is the good shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. Our salvation is certain.
4. We are kept in troubles – verse 4a. The sheep had to be moved about, there was travelling to do in what was often deep, narrow valleys and ravines where wild animals and robbers could hide. This led to doubts and could end in death. It was not always death, but all Christians know difficulties, trials and tribulations. We will have to through the final valley – death. We shall fear no evil because God is with us. It is the only sure help in time of trouble and trial. The shepherd use his weapons – the rod and staff to protect his sheep. God has infinite power to do this.
5. the shepherd has guests – verse 5. the shepherd treats the guests abundantly and lavishly. He anoints and cools his guests and he fills their cups to overflowing. He does this in the face of our enemies. David had many – Goliath, Saul, nations and even his own family. God treats us generously.
6. He is good to us all the days of our lives – verse 6a. This is based on the character of the good shepherd. We know he us good to us. All good things come from our loving father.
7. We have something more – Heaven – verse 6b. The house of the Lord is the shepherd’s house where we shall spend eternity. In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says we have hope for eternity, not just for this life. Thomas Charmers was a minister even before he was converted, it was only the deaths in his family and his own illness that kept him confined for 5 months in bed that led to this. He wrote of the magnitude of eternity – how life without eternity was nothing. It was meaningless and futile. Even having billions without the hope of eternal life was a sorry farce. Psalm 23 tells us our life leads to eternal life if we know the Lord Jesus. The world and its pleasures wither away when we die. David says we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever if we trust in Him. We live now in the house of Adam. God only visited the house of Adam and then went, it was secured on the righteousness of Adam. When he fell, it was ruined. God’s house is based on God’s righteousness and will stand forever. We are saved by Christ’s righteousness forever if we trust in him. We are secure for all eternity.

New Year/Old Year

2 Timothy 4:6 to 8

Paul was in prison with little chance of release, he knew he was likely to die a martyr’s death. This letter was written to Timothy and the church for all time. He had been a believer for over 30 years since his encounter with Christ on the Damascus road. He was reflecting on 30 years of walking with Christ. Are we look back on life like this? Are we on the same road as Paul, seeking God’s glory? Paul wants Timothy to take up the baton from Paul.
It is good to reflect on the past. We tend to reflect too little. Reflection and meditation is good for us, it keeps us humble.
What do we remember about 2007? Iraq, Pakistan, Global warming, the rise of China as a global superpower, murders, the McCanns? At home there has been bird flu, foot and mouth, murders, a new prime minister, a run on a bank, the woes of youth – binge drinking, drugs, violent attacks, increases in sexually transmitted diseases and abortions, family breakdown.
In the wider Christian scene we have seen Tony Blair convert to Catholicism despite there being no repentance for his support of anti-catholic laws. Catholic attendance now exceeds Anglican. However, William Wilberforce and John Newton were publicly remembered – this is good, but there is a shortage of younger pastors and there aging congregations in many churches. Churches have grown, people have been faithful to Him, new churches have been planted. Our local church, this church, has maintained its numbers, finances have improved, we have seen new faces and spiritual growth. We have seen answered prayers in the face of ongoing problems. We hope and believe that some have come to faith in the Lord Jesus.
What about us as people? Do we remember blessings we have had? New relationships, jobs etc, pains, disappointments, strains and stresses as well?
Paul was able to do all of this when he looked back. He could be practical in his faith. He looked back over a whole life time and what God had done through him.
1. His life was like a sacrificial drink offering – verse 6. Wine would be poured onto an offering. He willingly offered his life to bring glory to God. He was coming to the end of his life. ‘Departure’ means ‘unlocking’ in Greek. It is a prisoner word, being released. His time in the dungeon would soon be over. He would leave the physical body. It is also a farmer’s word – loosing the ox after it was free from the yolk. He has rest to look forward to. It is a soldier’s word – the tent was let down and he could go home. It is a sailor’s word – the ship had been tied up and the ropes were loosed and the ship sails away. It is an athlete’s word – the race is over. Paul is now coming to the end. We do not know how long we have to live. Tragedy strikes at an hour we do not know. We should not fret over how long we have, we should have peace.
2. Paul has fought the good fight of faith – verse 7a. He had many relatives who opposed him in the Jewish faith. He lived in a pagan world of immorality, abortion and family breakdown as we do. He fought for the truth, for the light for those who live in darkness. He showed people the way to God. It is a good fight. Sin debases people, they need the light of the truth, so they come back to the living God. So we uphold the values of the light and truth of God that gives true hope in the world. We should not judge by appearances. We should fight for the gospel, not the things of this world. We should be in the army of the Lord. Are we engaged in the battle or just a bystander? If we do not oppose Islam and other unchristian beliefs we will give in to them and they will triumph. Christianity changed the pagan world which was rife with ungodly beliefs and practices. We are in a good fight.
3. He had finished the race – verse 7b. Noticed, he had not won it, but he had pressed on, he had kept the weight down and he did not think of himself, he was slowed down by some dominant sin but he fixed his eyes on Jesus. An expert athlete ignores the crowd and all its distractions and concentrates on performing to their best.
4. He kept the faith – verse 7c. Paul passed onto others what he received from others. Paul speaks later of Demas who deserted him. Some people’s love grew cold and their love died away. Some turned away to other religions and left the faith. Today we see some people do this including some in our own family who break our hearts. We need to keep the faith. Paul wanted to pass his faith onto Timothy. It is not an artefact, it is a treasure that should not be neglected, it is a truth to share and pass onto others. We must think of how we can share this precious truth. We may value our precious truth but we must pass it on and evangelise others. We MUST engage in evangelistic endeavours.
5. Conclusion. Paul kept the faith, he kept going and there was a prize – verse 8, it was waiting for Paul on the last day. In the ancient Olympics the victor got a crown on the last day. What we work for now is rewarded later, it is a crown for righteous people who had lived righteous lives. Nero was an unrighteous judge who would judge Paul. We will have an unbelievably righteous judge. Who will get the crown? Those who have longed for his appearing and have loved him. Have we loved God?