Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday, 30 December 2007

Different reactions to the Lord Jesus

Matthew 2:1-18

We would expect unqualified rejoicing when the Lord Jesus came into the world, but like today there are very mixed reactions. Believers greet him with joy, others have lost the message and meaning of Christmas.
One group here was pleased, one was disturbed and displeased by what happened. We enjoy this as a happy time to get together with family.
Those who rejoiced.
a) Joseph and Mary were filled with wonder – the end of 0 months waiting. They may have asked ‘why us?’ We believers can see it is God with us. The Christmas story should provoke joy as we enjoy peace with God.
b) The shepherds rejoiced at being at being the first witnesses called to Bethlehem and confirmed by the chorus of angels. The world was going to be a better place as hope came into it.
c) The magi were thrilled as well, they were the cream of the learned world, they still searched or more when they saw the star, they were overjoyed and they bowed down to worship the baby they knew was worthy of worship. They knew much but yearned to know more. They knew the new born son was special. This was relevant and meaningful to them as they sought him.
It did not bring joy to everyone.
a) When the magi reached Jerusalem Herod was disturbed as was everyone in Jerusalem. They were not full of joy. Herod was a capable ruler – he enlarged the temple and improved public works. But he was full of cunning and cruelty. He put to death his mother, wife, children and heir. He was suspicious of anyone and everyone. When the new king was announced he immediately attempted to destroy the new born king. When he knew he was thwarted he have merciless orders to kill all the baby boys under the age of two, but it was too late, he had fled to Egypt. The elders did not rejoice because they thought that Jesus was a threat. He was no threat to Herod. He grew up as a model citizen. If Herod has known what a blessing Jesus would be, he would not have sought to destroy him. People have many weird misconceptions of Jesus. They see him as a good example or a religious guru or a revolutionary or a kill joy. Why do people have these wrong ideas? They do not listen to Biblical teaching or read it for themselves. They end up jumping to the wrong conclusions like Herod. People’s minds are often closed. Jesus is the light of the world but if you keep the curtains drawn the light is kept out.
b) Ignorance – he thought he was only a political leader. He was actually a shepherd to guide people as they were like lost sheep. Sheep need a shepherd as they need guidance or they get into deep trouble or danger. The Lord Jesus had crowds of people following him, they were the sheep without a shepherd weighed down with guilt and trouble. We are all like sheep who have wandered from God. Herod had gone astray, he had fits of unrestrained anger and brutality, he gave into base instincts and lacked self control. None of us are perfect, we all sin in our lives, only the Lord Jesus has the cure for our hearts. Jesus says ‘I am the good shepherd.’ He lays down his life for them. Herod thought Jesus came to politicize people but he had come to bring peace to people. When we believe in the Lord Jesus we have returned to the shepherd of our souls and we now know his comforting as in Psalm 23 – the Lord is MY shepherd.
c) Herod was too proud to see his need of his Saviour. He did not want a rival but he was a bad man who was guilty before God. He tried to excuse his behaviour and did not want to change his ways. We cannot make ourselves good, we cannot save ourselves. We need a Saviour who can save us from our sins. A ship wrecked sailor is pleased to see the lifeboat, the crashed motorist is glad to see the AA man, the condemned man on death row is glad to be reprieved. Each person knows that they have a need for outside help.
People find it hard to accept that they need to this Lord Jesus who rebukes wasted lives. We need to accept him into our lives and homes this Christmas. He will bring with hope and peace and joy this Christmas. If we don’t we will not know the way we should live and how we get to heaven.
Jonathan Aitken was disgraced, divorced, bankrupted and imprisoned. He found joy in forgiveness in the Lord Jesus and with it great joy and peace in the Lord Jesus. This is our greatest need.
Our greatest achievement as men is not that men stood on the moon but that God stood on the Earth. If we call on the Lord Jesus in repentance we shall know his peace this Christmas.

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