Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Friday, 26 October 2007


1 Peter 3: 1 to 17 Genesis 2: 24 to 25
Marriage is under attack as never before - it is seen as optional, disposable and re definable. It is God's design. It is a commitment made before the community. A good marriage is one where there is closeness and openness between two people.
a) It is a commitment. In our culture we symbolize that commitment with a wedding ring. The wedding ring gives great value for money. It is a reminder that we have someone who loves us. We cannot expect perfection, we have to adjust to each other. A good marriage is for the man and woman's good - it is for every one's benefit. We need to take time, patience and effort.
b) It is a covenant of Companionship. Divorce breaks that covenant. It is a broken relationship. God hates divorce because he hates unfaithfulness. In a breach of a marriage it is unfaithfulness. Divorce is only a concession to man's sin and it is not God's plan. Roman Catholics forbid divorce. Some see it as lasting forever. Some see divorce as possible but re-marriage is forbidden. Some see it as possible in very limited circumstances.
The only grounds are unrepented sexual sin or desertion by an unbelieving spouse, then you can remarry. Remarriage is the not adultery. Jesus emphatically said divorce is not permissible for any or every reason. It is only permissible for the reasons above. The faithful partner is no longer bound to the covenant.
(i) All Biblical means should be used to keep any marriage together..
(ii) If is possible to be reconciled to the partner then they should. Easy divorce is too easy. People abandon marriage too easily. We need to strengthen and support it so it does not break down.
A man unites to a woman. Satan attacked marriage with a vengeance, we find polygamy, adultery, homosexuality, rape and so on. The Bible never justifies polygamy, it does highlight its terrible effects - jealousy, hatred and even murder. Today we have serial monogamy, the taking of a succession of husbands and wives. This leads to complex troubled lives and a tidal wave of hurt.
God gave Adam someone to complement him, not be identical to him. True marriage is heterosexual.
It takes 3 to make a good marriage, man, woman and God with God at the top. As soon as Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they experienced alienation. Adam began blaming Eve for his problems.
a) Christians have a common basis of faith and biblical values. We all live by the Bible.
b) Christians have broken the love of self. A Christian is someone who is self giving, not selfish so they give to each other. The essence of marriage is sharing.
c) Christians have a proper sense of service. We live to serve and not to be served. The husband serves his wife by serving her. She serves him by submitting to him.
a) It must be with a believer - 2 Corinthians 6:14. They must give credible evidence of being a believer. So you can pull together. A believer and unbeliever do not share the same values and principles.
b) It is wise to have some degree of doctrinal agreement. Matters of Christian teaching should lead you to the same church otherwise you will be divided. There is a level of commitment needed.
c) It should not be to anyone divorced without biblical grounds.
d) It is helped by the advice and approval of parents. Parents are able to better observe areas of compatibility. Marriage should be discussed with the family. The man should have a Biblical work ethic and provide for his family. We need happy, fulfilled marriages.
God planned the human heart for love, marriage, companionship, home and children. The richest thing in our lives are relationships and for starting and building new ones. Marriage requires our support, many are struggling. Pray for more strong marriages to strengthen and enrich the church. Educate the youth and children in the importance of marriage.
If we are single pray about whether you are to remain single or for a marriage partner.

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