Be Men
The roles of men in the world
2 Timothy 2 and Genesis 2 verses 21 to 25
What does it mean to be a man? What makes a man? What is a description of a real man? What does the Bible mean by manliness? The Bible often speaks to everyone, today, in this sermon, men are under the spotlight but this informs women as well.
How are men and women alike and equal?
It is important to understand the Biblical model, failure to understand this is disastrous for marriage and leads to the Bible’s teaching being undermined.
The woman was not made from the man to rule over him or from his feet to trample him but out of his side to be by his side and from under his arm. This passage teaches complimentarianism.
Men and women are equally like God and made in his image, this is important for the well being of society. In China and India there is an imbalance of men and women.
Each are equally loved by God – see Acts 2 verse 17. Men and women have the Spirit poured out on them. No one has the right to say one sex is more spiritual, prayerful etc. Each enjoy the sign of acceptance by baptism, they enjoy equal honour in the church and are equally accountable to God - see Galatians chapter 3, Paul says all they are one in Christ and each must be personally saved by Christ.
How do men and women differ?
There is a masculine and feminine role in their lives. Each are different in appearance, design and function. Men and women’s brains are different – these differences are located in the brain. The brain processes information in different ways in men and women. The brain’s physiology is different. It isn’t just upbringing; it is the way we are made. God has made us to look different and to be different. God wants us to express this difference
Deuteronomy 2 verse 25 – we are to look different. Today we seem to have unisex everything – clothes, hairstyle etc. It is said ‘men are from Mars and women are from Venus’ – we are different
Men are called to a God given role
What is masculinity? Men have become more insecure about what it means to be a man. Feminism says we are all equal. Boys often grow up without a father figure with just their mother. This leads to more violence in society because women cannot channel male energy effectively. This has been found in America.
Society has male rites of passage to go from being a boy to a man. It is a bad idea for men to have something to prove to each other and to girls.
What is the right and Biblical balance? Men can often be wet whimps or harsh and overbearing – this is two extremes – men can be very weak role models.
a) What is Biblical maleness? The man Jesus is our role model He is wise, manly, strong and free, he changes, lifts and ennobles.
In Jesus there is a remarkable interaction between the authoritarian and the mild. He changes, lifts and ennobles. We need to study his life. He was perfectly obedient like Noah; he lived sacrificially like Abraham; he wouldn’t compromise like Joseph. Jesus showed the best traits of all the best men in the Bible but perfectly.
What if we compare him to Buddha? Buddha was not a man of action. Jesus was prayerful and contemplative but he did good day after day. What about Islam? It is one sided – cold and oppressive. Jesus was boldly authoritative but tender in love to Lazarus and he wrestles in prayer in Gethsemane. Jesus died to protect us from our sin and he lives to us his spirit.
Getting married, having a family etc does not make a man, being a Christ centred man does.
b) The primary role man was given was to work and provide – see 2 Timothy 2 verse 10. Brain physiology shows us that men are practically orientated and interested in doing a task. Women are interested in each other. Men get their identity from work. We must work to eat. Jesus was a carpenter before he began his ministry. The ‘bread winner’ role is Biblical in normal circumstances, poor health or old age being exceptions. It gives us worth and self esteem. 1 Timothy 5 verse 8 shows us the Paul condemned those who would not work. God made Adam to be busy.
c) The second role in leadership. Adam took the lead. God made Adam the head of the race.
(i) Male leadership is God’s order for the family – see 1 Corinthians 11 verse 3. It is the partnership of two spiritual beings, the man is the head. It is said to everyone in spite of their temperament
(ii) Male leadership means being a father, teaching, sharing and training. Paul says men must bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is his primary duty, not the wife’s. This is not to denigrate women, often they have to do this by default.
(iii) Male leadership in the Church is God’s pattern – 1 Timothy 2 verse 12. Women are not permitted to have authority over men. This is not cultural but Biblical. Often men do their duty so women have to do it. Men should be leaders directing their families and leading their children and wives. Men should not be childish but take responsibilities in the family, church and at work.
d) The 3rd role for men is manliness and being protective – see 1 Corinthians 16 verse 13. Manliness is to be strong by being brave and dutiful. Manliness is action, responsibility and decisiveness. Men must protect their wives, children and society. Jesus expects men to lead their lives like this. Church leaders are to lead the church away from danger.
The lack of courage to take on commitment and responsibility marks more and more men. Many young men can do extreme sports and go and search for adventure, but the courage to take on responsibility for a wife and children is dying. Have men got the courage to protect family and be godly leaders?
e) The 4th thing is loving, sacrificial service. See 1 Peter 3 verse 7. A man is to be understanding and protective towards the weaker sex. Women are vulnerable. See Isaiah 32 verse 2. A good man is a protector and guardian, sacrificially giving their time and love and care to the women around them - in particular meeting the needs of their wives. Encouraging reading the Bible and praying together is important. Providing for a wife also means taking the initiative in helping meet her spiritual needs. Men need to make sure their wives can get to church to hear the word. Gentlemen it’s up to us. We men must get our act together now. We will never manage it fully. We need God’s grace and power. But is there a better picture to paint for our time? Is there a better role model than the Lord Jesus Christ? Read his life again, pray for his manliness.
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