Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday, 13 May 2007

People Jesus met - Zaccheous

People Jesus met – Zacchaeus

Luke 18 verse 31 to verse 19 verse 10
Most Sunday school children know the story of Zacchaeus – we need to take care climbing trees.

Zacchaeus: a little man, big on money.
Zacchaeus lived in Jericho, an important city. In Jesus’ day, it was a good place to be, for a tax collector to make a lot of money. Jericho is in a tropical plain, 6 miles from the River Jordan. The Romans valued it as did Herod who had a summer palace there. It was known for trees – especially balsam and gum trees which were used for healing. It was also known for good wine and palm dates which were shipped all round Israel. It was a nice and affluent place. It was a good place if you loved money. Zacchaeus was a Jew (his named means righteous one) – he was far from living up to his name.
He was a chief tax collector – he was not like Inland Revenue men now. It was run by volunteers, they were self employed businessmen. There were 3 taxes. A produce tax on crops and goods – Jericho would have been great for this. Secondly a universal poll tax levied on all residents and thirdly a trade tax that was levied on all goods that came through the area.
The tax booth was by the roads. Zacchaeus would have been extremely unpopular, he raised taxes for the Romans who were hated invaders, the people wanted independence. He assessed taxes at a far higher rate than the legal rate. The Romans set the rate but did not pay wages. Tax collectors set their own rate – which was over the assessed rate. They were given powers and charged far too much and took their own cut. They were extremely disliked.
Zacchaeus was extremely wealthy, he extorted money and fiddled bills. He was considered an outcast. He did not meet ritual cleanliness and he was banned from Israel and not counted as a son of Abraham, he was denied citizenship and not protected by the law. He was shunned by the rabbis. He could only come back by making financial restitution to all of his victims, this was not possible to those travelling, he was a no hoper, he was a lost sheep of the house of Israel. He money and power but no place in the nation.

Zacchaeus: a little man with big curiosity – verse 3
He learnt Jesus was coming to Jericho, he spoke to a blind man and word must have spread via the ‘bush telegraph’, his fame spread because of his words and miracles. He was a ‘celebrity’, he was well known by everybody, everyone wanted to speak to him or see a miracle or touch him. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, no would let him come to the front as they would a child. No one helped him – he had no friends. Humanly speaking he was cut off. He ran ahead and climbed a sycamore fig tree, they are easy to climb.
What made Zacchaeus want to see Jesus? He had it all – and still he wants to see Jesus. You can be rich and not happy. You can be wealthy and not loved. You can be successful and not be satisfied. Zacchaeus must have been prompted by a powerful urge to do this. He was probably the least likely person to want to see Jesus, he would have been ridiculed and laughed at, they would have scorned him and laughed at him. The most disliked man in Jericho wanted to see Jesus. Many famous people want to see Jesus – as in Hollywood, they often have a horrible emptiness in their lives. In his heart Zaccheous wanted something more, he needed Jesus and wanted him. People we least expect may have a deep yearning in their hearts for Jesus. We should not let anything stop us.
He knew a tax collector, Matthew, was a disciple. He knew Jesus was someone wonderful who would be his friend

Zacchaeus: a little man with a big surprise.
Jesus came to the tree and looked straight at Zaccheous, all eyes were on him. Jesus knew his name, had he heard his name or heard of him? Or was it revealed to him? Jesus took an interest in this one man. He called him down with authority. He came into Zaccheous’ life – ‘I must stay in your house today, it was not a request. It was with power and an imperative. Jesus knew he could change Zaccheous’ life. Zaccheous came down willingly, he could not and would not resist.
He had learnt that there is no place to hide from Jesus. Proverbs 15 verse 3. Zacchaeus had nothing with which to recommend himself to God but Jesus singles him out. When Jesus calls and we answer him gladly and want to leave our sins, that’s God grace at work.
Zaccheous was ready for the Lord Jesus just as was, he couldn’t hide anything. He would not miss the opportunity of a new beginning, it was an irresistible call. The message we hear is just the one we need.

Zacchaeus: a little man who had a big change.
a) The people’s attitude – verse 7. They don’t understand a changed life. The people muttered and were critical of Zaccheous, the remembered all of the lives he had ruined. They didn’t believe it was possible to have a new Zaccheous.
b) Zacchaeus proves his conversion – verse 8. He makes restitution. He had been freely forgiven by grace but he loves the principle of restitution – Leviticus 6 verse 5 says it must be the amount plus 20%, the Romans said double. Zaccheous went way beyond this – 4 times the amount he had stolen. He said right now – the present tense.
c) Zacchaeus underwent a dramatic change in his life – Luke 18 verses 24 to 25 – how hard it is for the rich to find faith in Christ, their confidence is in money. It is a rich man who has changed, he values right more than money.
d) Zacchaeus is endorsed as a true son of Abraham by Jesus. He has been saved, he is now a son of Abraham. He is truly changed.

How do you show the reality of Christ in your life? Here’s the principle. The reality of your new life in Jesus Christ will be seen at precisely at the point of your old weakness. Zaccheous’ problem was money and greed. Ours could be pornography, laziness etc. Our change will be demonstrated.
a) It’s good because it shows that you are really sorry.
b) It’s good because it makes it easier for the people to forgive you.
c) It is good because it makes you less likely to make the same mistake.
What Christ did for Zacchaeus He does for us too. He came to seek and to save what was lost. Some people say – I am too bad. So was the tax man but he was forgiven. You may think you or a loved one are beyond the reach of God’s love, but none are. Don’t forget the marvellous news of this Gospel today.
We may not be like Zaccheous in our deeds but we still need Christ. If he is not in our lives, we live an empty life and we need him to fill it.
People saw Zaccheous as having no hope, he was not beyond the reach of God and his Gospel. May it be our joy to witness and pray and see such wonders of God’s grace.

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