Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

The Fact of the Resurrection

The Fact of the Resurrection

Matthew 28 verses 1 to 15 and 1 Corinthians 15 verses 1 to 8

Acts 1 verse 3 tells us that Jesus was presented as alive by many infallible proofs.

There are lots of books, novels and films about investigations by detectives like Morse and Maigret who aim to find the truth about a murder.

We have the basic facts to ponder. Did Jesus really rise from the truth? The truth really matters – faith is based upon verifiable facts as 2 Peter 1 verse 16 tells us. None of us wants to believe in a lie. Doctor Greenly, a Harvard lawyer, believed the Resurrection was a lie, he investigated it thoroughly and came to the conclusion it was true. What proof did he discover that proved it was true because we gain nothing from believing a lie?

We have reliable documentary evidence. Luke, in Acts, continues the narration he began in his gospel. In Luke 1 verse 1he tells us he wrote an orderly account from reliable eye witnesses. Luke was a very good doctor, he showed a meticulous care. Archaeology has shown Luke as a good historian as well. William Ramsay, an experienced archaeologist, confirms Luke is a reliable writer.

We have the factual evidence from the scene itself.
a) There is the question of the broken seal. The seal was put there under Roman authority. To break the seal incurred severe wrath – crucifixion upside down. No one would have done this. It is ridiculous to suppose the downtrodden disciples would do this.
b) There is the matter of the rolled stone. It was put in place using levers. No one could move it without the awareness of the guards.
c) There is the question of the guards. To fail in your duty incurred death. Where a unit failed, lots were drawn and the chosen ones executed. The whole unit would not have fallen asleep. The threat of punishment produced flawless duty. The soldiers shook with fear like dead men.
d) There is the question of the empty tomb. Falsity would have been evident to all. There is no shred of evidence – literary or archaeological, that has been produced ever, the tomb was empty.
e) There is the question of the grave clothes. They had 120 pounds of aromatic spices added. When found, the grave clothes were like an empty chrysalis. If the body had been taken the grave clothes would not have been so left.
f) What other explanation can there be?
(i) Did they go to the wrong tomb? It was not a public cemetery but a private garden tomb. The authorities could have taken people the right tomb.
(ii) Did they have hallucinations? All of them? If they did, why was the body not produced?
(iii) Did Jesus swoon? That is pass out? His body had been examined by experienced soldiers, they knew if someone was half dead. When he was embalmed it would have been seen. If he had swooned he needed medical care and could not have got up and walked around and changed the disciples sorrow into joy.
(iv) Did the body get stolen? Would the disciples have been brave enough to face a detachment of soldiers? If the authorities had done it they would have produced the body to destroy the new faith.

We have the evidence of Jesus himself. What did he say before the crucifixion? He said he could be in the tomb for 3 days - see Matthew 20 and John 2. He foretold what would happen.

We have the evidence of witnesses. We want to talk to eyewitnesses so we can establish reliability. There were many witnesses – see 1 Corinthians 15 verses 1 to 8, this was written 30 years after the events, most of the witnesses were still alive, Paul drew attention to them. Jesus appeared over 40 days in town and country. They all said the same thing. They all recounted different events but say the same thing.

We have the evidence of changed behaviour. At first the disciples were sceptical of what the woman said. When they saw Jesus they were convinced and their behaviour changed, they were ready to die for their Lord. Doubt and uncertainty went. How do we account for their loyalty and commitment to the Gospel? The transformation of the disciples was remarkable.

We have the evidence of what happened afterwards. 3000 people were converted. They changed the day of worship to the first day of the week in memory of the resurrection. It was confirmed by miracles and signs performed by the disciples.

We must accept the resurrection is a fact. Do we need any more evidence? Do we still have any doubts? Do we still need to be persuaded? People with better minds than us have accepted it? Thomas Arnold, the head teacher of Rugby school accepted it. We can only reject it by denying the historical facts.

What does it mean to me today?
a) He was who he said he was – the Son of God. He showed this by his ministry and his resurrection. He is the only one to follow and trust.
b) It means he finished the work he came to do – die for the sins of his people. We can trust him and have eternal life.
c) It means Jesus is alive in Heaven to give new and eternal life. Every day we live is a day nearer to eternity. We will have to leave this world and face God’s judgement. We can be glorified.
d) It means that death is not the end for all who come to him.
e) It means if we ignore him how shall we escape just condemnation? At the end of time every life shall have to give an account to God. We know this because Jesus rose from the dead.

We must believe this; we can’t be a Christian and not believe this. Faith in the Lord Jesus is absolutely essential so we can have peace with God and eternal life. In the Resurrection there is new life, it looks forward to Heaven. We can look forward to a brighter tomorrow. The Resurrection is the focal point of World History.

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