Welcome the blog pages of Waterford House Evangelical Church, which is located in Strood, Kent, England. Please see our main website www.whefc.co.uk for more details. On these pages are the transcripts of sermons preached at the church week by week, if you have any comments or questions please email our pastor norman.hopkins@whefc.co.uk.

Sunday 10 February 2008

Jesus in Nazareth

Luke 4:14-30 2:49-52
These are all the verses we have from his birth to his public baptism. We might wish for more detail, but there is little related of him to gratify our curiosity, but enough to regulate our conduct.
a) This tells us about the village, he was not cloistered. We know it was called Nazareth and was held in contempt – ‘can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ said Nathanael. It had a bad name, possibly due to laxed morals. In chapter 4 people rejected him and tried to kill him by throwing him down a hill. He was not cloistered, some people who knew him well loved him. He was surrounded by unbelieving neighbours. It can be very tough for us now when we conduct ourselves in God’s ways when others reject it.
b) This tells us about the family, Jesus was a member of a large family. Mark 6:l3 tells us Jesus’ family had at least 8 children. He grew up with younger brothers and sisters. He knew of having to share, setting a good example to younger siblings and his siblings arguing. The passages do not speak of his earthly father, he had probably passed away. At his death on the cross, Jesus committed his mother Mary to John. He was the responsible leader of the family, he probably also ran the family business. He knew what it was to care for people.
c) This tells us about the humanity of the Lord Jesus. Jesus was the God man. He was fully God and fully man. Two distinct natures united in the Lord Jesus. This shows us he grew as a human. He was fully human save for our sin. Jesus cried as a baby, not as a tantrum but to signal hunger. He was a perfect child, adolescent and adult. If Jesus was not fully human, then we do not have a Saviour, nor do we have a Saviour who can identify with our weaknesses. It needed someone truly human to take our place.
d) This tells us about the perfection of the Lord Jesus. Why did he come into the world? To be the perfect sacrifice for sin. He lived a perfect life pleasing to God. He was yielding to all authority – his parents, scripture and tutors. In his humanity, Jesus had the same limitations as all humans except He was without sin. He was the perfect mediator. God was well pleased with him at his baptism. We get an insight into his true humanity and absolute sinlessness of the Lord Jesus.
His boyhood was an actual normal boyhood. His development was like that of all children. He came amongst men to learn all the features of our development, learnt from his family.
a) His development came from a healthy life style. Childhood needs respect for the body God has given so it will be useful. He would have ran and played with children of his age but without sin. We should keep our bodies fit and healthy.
b) His development came from using hands to get proficiency. Every Jewish child learned a trade. Saul learnt to use his hands to make tents to support himself so he would not depend on others Jesus learnt the trade of a carpenter. He was fit and healthy, he needed the physical stamina during those years of his ministry. Jesus walked for miles and spoke publicly for hours. He needed to be physically fit. Today we have lost the benefits of manual skills. It is important to develop manual skills in those who best suited for them.
JESUS GREW IN WISDOM – verse 39 and 52
Jesus’ mind grew. He learned about his family and country, about God, about languages – he spoke Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. Nazareth was a back water. He was home taught, this is why people were amazed at him. He questioned, his parents explained, he retained and he applied it. He absorbed much from hearing people at the synagogue. Jesus was wise in the sight of God.
He grew in favour with men. Our Lord got on with people; he was interested in them; he had a good attitude to people. He was a sociable person. People liked him, his kindness. We often overlook this. Many Christians lack these skills. Jesus was in complete contrast to his cousin John who was stern and harsh. Joyless and stern faces have no place in our dealings with people. Jesus was a well rounded person. Why did people hate him? Why did they want to crucify him? Because they hated the way he exposed sin. We need to help our children to develop social skills - to be kind and generous without compromising with sin..
Jesus was fully God, yet as a man he had to grow spiritually. As his wisdom grew, so his life became more lovely in the sight of God and man. Our Lord as man, increased in understanding what his father required, how he should live, what he should behave. The great difference between Jesus and ourselves, is that he never had to say ‘Sorry father for the sins pf today. Forgive me through the Lord Jesus.’ This is where we begin, knowing our need of being right with God. We need to remember that a child has a child’s faith, and that they need to grow in faith as the Lord Jesus did.
He went through every stage of life that we do. He’s been a baby, in the classroom, in the work shop, he’s seen siblings disagree, he’s seen lies and unkindness and it hurt his holy soul and grieved his holy heart. He is now our saviour in Heaven, an understanding and powerful friend who is still with us if we belong to him.
He still loved children who the disciples tried to drive them away in Luke l8. He wants us to bring little children to him. Children need to come to him and put their faith in him. Jesus never had to say sorry to God as we have to, to begin our relationship with him.

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